Gramify - Wordlist analysis and n-gram generator
: Gramify
: Vavaldi
Gramify is an analysis tool built with the purpose of enhancing attacks on complex passwords through the use of n-grams. Gramify offers three types of n-gram analysis- Word
- Character
- Charset
These each perform n-grams at their respective levels.
What is an n-gram?
Those unfamiliar with the term will most easily understand it as the n words that follow each other naturally. At a word level the sentence: "I am writing a program" can be split at 2-gram level into: ["I am", "am writing", "writing a", "a program"]. at 3-gram level into: ["I am writing", "am writing a", "writing a program"]. This can also be done at a character level for example with "abc defg" into the 3-gram ["abc", "bc ", "c d", " de", "def", "efg"]. Logically you can imagine that using this on books, or song lyrics can turn into a powerful analytical form where you can extract quotes or find words commonly used together such as the words: "I am", "He is" instead of: "capricorn icecream".
Visit the GitHub URL for a detailed explanation and usage examples.