GAME: Halloween Hash Challenge
Do not see a way to edit the OG post, but after some feedback, I think the following is a better % rating:
Beginner: 30%
Novice: 40%
Intermediate: 50%
Skilled: 60%
Adept: 70%
Veteran: 80%That being said, this list is just to practice and the above percentages are solely goals to keep people motivated and reflect how hard it is to find more hashes at a certain tier. The entire exercise is all for fun, and thank you to everyone who gave it a shot!
If this is the same contest that was on Discord ... I haven't been working on it for a couple of days, and there are definitely some remaining patterns not yet exhausted, so you can probably beat my number!
Cracked: 183823 / 200000 - 91.911500%
@tychotithonus Nice job!