Magento2 Argon2id Hash Converter
This tool will convert Magento2 argon2id hashes to the correct format. This allows the hashes to be ran with programs that support argon2id.
A Magento2 hash before converting will look like:
ab5ebf8d273b085b6a60336198e0a5a2090fdc3e0606a678315c7274ab06e046:5PiKJRn28bBKoFMopMaaKuV47aJ6GzVg:3_32_2_67108864After the hash is converted to the correct format it will look like:
$argon2id$v=19$m=65536,t=2,p=1$NVBpS0pSbjI4YkJLb0ZNbw$q16/jSc7CFtqYDNhmOClogkP3D4GBqZ4MVxydKsG4EYUsage: php magento_converter.php input.txt output.txt